Oulu Business School, Department of Marketing, Management and International Business

The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based education to build a more sustainable, smarter, and more humane world. The University of Oulu community has about 17,000 people in total. Our northern scientific community operates globally and creates conditions for the emergence of innovations.  

We are now looking for

Postdoctoral Researcher in Management and International Business

Oulu Business School is an AACSB accredited international research and educational institute. It is one of the eight faculties within the University of Oulu, having around 1 500 students and 110 faculty and staff members. It offers degrees of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in International Business Management and Master of Science in Business Administration with six different majors and a doctoral research program

Description of the position

The Postdoctoral Researcher position is located at the Oulu Business School. More specifically, the post-doctoral researcher’s work is positioned in the fields of management and international business, within which it may be focused on topics such as management of and in inter-organizational networks, organizational changes, leadership, entrepreneurship, or responsible business and innovations in the domestic and/or international context.

As the aim of the Postdoctoral Researcher’s work is to produce high-quality research-based knowledge, your duties include

  • scientific research and publishing,
  • scientific collaboration, 
  • planning and management of research projects, 
  • applying for external funding for the said activities,
  • teaching in the Bachelor and Master’s programs,
  • supervising of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, 
  • participation in the related educational development work.

Moreover, various administrative tasks may be part of your work as a postdoctoral researcher.

What we offer

Beyond the opportunity to work on the tasks described here, the university as a workplace offers several benefits:

  • The support of an experienced and enthusiastic team where you can share your expertise and grow as an expert.
  • Wellness benefit ePassi covering sport, culture and well-being. Read more about other staff benefits.
  • Our Buddy Programme and Spouse Network support you and close-ones in settling into Oulu.
  • Development and career options of the big organization.
  • We have a HR Excellence in Research -quality label which is a recognition awarded by the European Commission for the development of researchers’ working conditions and careers. 
  • Work that matters and a workplace that promotes flexibility and work-life balance. Read more about working with us.
  • Finland is one of the most livable countries in the world, with a high quality of life, safety, excellent education system, and competitive economy. Read more about living in Oulu.

Qualification requirements

You must hold a doctoral degree in Business Administration or Economics. Applications indicating that the doctoral dissertation has been defended may be acknowledged even if the final degree has not been afforded yet. If you are selected without a final degree, the work contract may be started only after the degree has been confirmed. On the other hand, the doctoral degree must have been received no more than 10 years ago. When calculating the 10-year period, parental leaves and other such career breaks are acknowledged. You are expected to have fluency in English. Finnish skills are greatly appreciated. You are expected to have an ability for independent scientific work as well as the teaching skills relevant for the position. 

In the evaluation, the following are considered:

  • High-quality scientific activity in terms of planning and executing research projects, which is demonstrated by the number and quality of scientific publications, as well as roles in research activities (e.g. project leader, project manager, work package leader)
  • Teaching skills and activity (including aspects such as experience in teaching and supervision at different levels, pedagogical training, teaching portfolio, evaluations of peers and students)
  • Ability to acquire external research funding
  • Interests and abilities to collaborate with the international research community and with various kinds of external stakeholders (demonstrated by international research visits, research and publication collaboration, teaching mobility, etc.).
  • Experience in providing services within academia (e.g., editorial boards, reviewer tasks, serving as external evaluator)
  • Activities through which the applicant has been engaged with the business life and the larger society, related to the applicant’s approach to conduct impactful research and education (e.g., company board memberships)
  • Communication and teamwork skills, technical skills


The position is fixed term for five years starting 1.12.2023 or as agreed. A trial period of six months is applied to the position.

A salary will be in accordance with the Finnish universities salary system for teaching and research personnel: level 05-06, equivalent to assistant professor level. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50% of the job-specific component). The starting salary will be approximately 3600-4300€ per month before taxes.

How to apply

Applications, together with all the relevant enclosures, should be submitted using the electronic application form by 8th of October, 2023 at 23:59 (Finnish local time). The application should be written in English and include the following documents as enclosed PDF files:

1) A motivation letter describing why the applicant is interested in this position (max 1 page)

2) A Curriculum Vitae written in English (max. 5 pages); following The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK format (https://tenk.fi/en/advice-and-materials/template-researchers-curriculum-vitae).
3) A list of publications classified as follows (with the 5 most important publications highlighted; see Academy of Finland guidelines: (https://www.aka.fi/en/research-funding/apply-for-funding/how-to-apply-for-funding/az-index-of-application-guidelines2/list-of-publications/):  

  1. articles in international peer-reviewed journals, 
  2. articles in international peer-reviewed volumes of scientific significance and articles in peer-reviewed conference proceedings,
  3. articles in domestic peer-reviewed journals,
  4. articles in domestic peer-reviewed volumes of scientific significance and articles in domestic peer-reviewed conference proceedings
  5. scientific monographs
  6. other scientific publications, e.g., articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings with no peer-review process, and in university or department publications.

4) Teaching merits relevant for the position in the form of a teaching portfolio or a similar account. 
5) A concise (1-2 pages) plan for research work.

For further information

Inquiries can be addressed to Satu Nätti, satu.natti@oulu.fi

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Oulu
County Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Country Finland
Reference number 2023/415
  • Satu Nätti, +358503506057
Published 13.Sep.2023
Last application date 08.Oct.2023

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