Faculty of Medicine, Translational Medicine

The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based education to build a more sustainable, smarter, and more humane world. The University of Oulu community has about 17,000 people in total. Our northern scientific community operates globally and creates conditions for the emergence of innovations.  

We are now looking for a

Professor, Orthopedics and Traumatology

to join us in Research unit of Translational Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine.

Translational Medicine Research Unit is a multidisciplinary unit, one out of five units in the Faculty of Medicine. The unit covers the fields of translational research in anatomy, cancer, surgery, anesthesia, and intensive care. The Unit provides patient centered evidence-based medicine to investigate, prevent, diagnose, and treat human illness. Due to the very extensive research field the research activities of the unit cover a wide variety of topics. In combination with research our aim is to provide highest level evidence-based education for medicine, dentistry, and other fields both at undergraduate and postgraduate training.

In the field of orthopedic surgery, evidence-based medicine is changing clinical practice rapidly. Novel orthopedic techniques involve the use of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, such as robotics, advanced materials, and bone substitutes. Simultaneously, more critical data is accumulating from a large array of clinical RCTs. The rapid progress in the field requires now a new level of cooperation and pooling of resources in concerted effort with different disciplines and study groups to achieve new approaches to get knowledge and care for orthopedic disorders. This requires collaboration in research and education and innovation at all levels (fundamental and basic research, translational, clinical, and interventional).

About the job

  • The professor will be a dynamic individual who provides vision, leadership, and mentoring in the field of Orthopedic surgery.
  • The professor is responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate training, and especially implementation of entrustable professional activities in postgraduate training as part of clinician’s daily work.
  • The professor should give both undergraduate and postgraduate lectures and communicate with the leading specialists that the given teaching is in accordance with the highest evidence-based medicine in the field.
  • The professor should participate actively in undergraduate practical training in providing the students clinical ward rounds and other practical hands-on training.
  • Qualifications of successful candidate include a doctoral degree, high quality scientific competence, experience in supervising scientific research, ability to give high quality education based on research and supervision of doctoral theses, as well as evidence of international collaboration in their field of research and training.
  • When assessing the applicants, international evaluation will be conducted. The issues taken into consideration in comparison of the candidates will include scientific publications and other research achievements and motivation, teaching experience and motivation, pedagogical training, and other teaching merits. In addition, the applicant’s activity in the scientific community, practicality within the field of orthopedics is concerned, and success in acquiring domestic and international research funding, scientific work, and training abroad and other international activities will be taken into consideration.
  • The teaching language at the University of Oulu is Finnish and good knowledge of Finnish is required in education and teaching duties. Practical familiarity in the field of Orthopedic surgery is required and the applicant should have a specialist degree and at least 5 years of clinical experience as a specialist.
  • The professor is responsible for organizing the specialist training in orthopedic surgery and subspecialities in the field for example Orthopedic foot surgery, Orthopedic spine surgery, Orthopedic trauma surgery, and similar, but is encouraged to collaborate with the leading field specialists.

What we offer?

Who are you?

In order to succeed and fully enjoy the position, we expect from you:

  • Doctoral degree in medicine within relevant field
  • Specialist degree in Orthopedic surgery or other musculoskeletal surgery
  • High quality scientific competence
  • Experience in supervising scientific research
  • Ability and motivation to give high quality education for undergraduate students in medicine
  • Ability and motivation to give high quality education based on research and supervision of doctoral theses
  • Evidence of international collaboration in the field of orthopedic surgery
  • Ability to act as an Academic Leader
  • Practical familiarity with the field of clinical orthopedic surgery, as well as extensive work experience of a minimum of 5 years, is required in order for the candidate to be appointed as a Chief physician at a university hospital. The university will be asking for a statement on this matter from the University hospital.
  • The teaching language at the University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine is Finnish and good knowledge of Finnish is required. Language of teaching and clinical work should be Finnish and in postgraduate supervision also English can be used.
  • Local work in contrast to remote work is strongly preferred, so that the professor should be mostly present at Oulu university hospital (minimum 3 days/week, weekly).

We also appreciate

  • When assessing the applicant’s merits, issues taken into consideration include scientific publications and other research achievements, teaching experience, pedagogical training, and other teaching merits.
  • Things considered to the applicant's advantage are active research in orthopedic/musculoskeletal diseases, networking both nationally and internationally, experience in administration and in principal chief. If there are several applicants of equal merit in the application process, the applicants will be scored based on their clinical work and teaching experience.
  • The applicant’s activity in the scientific community, practicality within the field of orthopedics and musculoskeletal surgery is concerned, and success in acquiring domestic and international research funding is also evaluated.
  • Scientific work and training abroad and other international activities will be taken into consideration.


The salary will be based on levels 8 – 10 of the demand level chart for teaching and research personnel of the salary system of Finnish Universities. In addition to the basic salary, supplementary salary will be given for personal achievement and performance, the sum rising to a maximum of 50 % of the basic salary level for the post. A trial period of 6 months is applied in the position.

How to apply?

Interested? If yes, please apply by 31.05.2024 (23:59 Finnish local time) through our recruitment system.

The application should be written in English and include the following:

  1. Cover letter
  2. CV following the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity 
  3. List of publication classified according to the guidelines of the Research Council of Finland At most ten (10) publications must be identified to the referees for assessment and to be taken into consideration upon evaluation of the eligibility and scientific merits. The applicant is required to indicate these 10 publications within his/her list of publication (or color coding).
  4. Brief account of research merits
  5. Teaching portfolio or a comparable document including merits of relevance to the position
  • Teaching philosophy, teaching strategies and methods
  • Teacher’s self-reflection on his/her teaching style, a personal background idea of teaching; how are these reflected in teaching?
  • A description of oneself as a teacher and an implementer of educational work
  • Practical experience in teaching and efforts to improve teaching
  • Description of educational material (curricula, handouts, assignments, workbooks)
  • Professional development as a teacher
  • Evaluation of teaching (student evaluations, peer evaluations, awards and assessed test lectures)
  • Plans for future directions of teaching in the discipline concerned
  1. Details regarding acquisition of research funds
  2. Research action plan in English with a special emphasis on how the plan benefits the above-mentioned focus areas of the faculty and university (max 3 pages).
  3. Contact details of 2 – 4 persons available for recommendation.

Reviewer Assessment

The Dean will nominate a recruiting committee to take care of the evaluation process. As proposed by the recruiting committee the research council of the University will appoint a minimum of two reviewers to be consulted regarding the merits of the applicants.

Interview and proposal by the recruitment committee

The recruiting committee will analyze the evaluations of the reviewers, interview suitable candidates and make a proposal for appointment.

Contact Information

For further information regarding filling of this post:
Osmo Tervonen, Dean

Faculty of Medicine

University of Oulu

P.O.Box 5000

FIN - 90014 University of Oulu

tel +358 (0)29 448 6024

e-mail: osmo.tervonen(at)oulu.fi


Petri Lehenkari, professor

Faculty of Medicine

Translational Medicine Research Unit

University of Oulu

P.O.Box 5000

FIN - 90014 Oulu University

email: petri.lehenkari(at)oulu.fi

tel. +358 50 597 7954; mob. + 358 40 564 4055

For further information regarding the recruitment process:
Tiina Pääkkönen, HR Manager
Faculty of Medicine

University of Oulu

email: tiina.paakkonen(at)oulu.fi

Basic regulations

University Law (558/2009) and Statute (770/2009); University of Oulu administration rules and regulations (22.11.2023).


Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment 1.8.2024
Salary TES
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Oulu
County Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Country Finland
Reference number 2024/130
Published 20.Mar.2024
Last application date 31.May.2024

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