Service and separate units, Strategy and science

Oulun yliopisto on monitieteinen, kansainvälisesti toimiva tiedeyliopisto, jonka noin 3600 työntekijää tuottavat korkeatasoiseen tutkimukseen pohjautuvaa uutta tietoa ja antavat tutkimukseen perustuvaa opetusta kestävämmän, älykkäämmän ja inhimillisemmän maailman rakentamiseksi. Oulun yliopistoyhteisössä toimii kaikkiaan noin 17000 henkilöä. Pohjoisen tiedeyhteisömme toiminta on globaalisti vaikuttavaa ja luo edellytyksiä innovaatioiden syntymiselle.

We are looking for an enthusiastic

Trainee (Event Production)

with excellent organisational and language skills and an ability to work under pressure to join us in the International Affairs Team for a full-time traineeship for the period of 1st October – 15th December 2025.

As part of the University of Oulu's internationalisation measures, we will be organising the Festival of Cultures which offers all students and staff an opportunity to explore the world right here in Oulu without leaving the campus!

During the Festival of Cultures, volunteer teams represent their cultures with music, fashion, food, art and much more.

As an event production trainee, your duties include planning and practical implementation of events that form part of the Festival of Cultures, one of the biggest community events at the University of Oulu campuses. Your job will include pre-event preparations, communication and marketing, event program scheduling, live support for participants regarding event equipment and practicalities, support for the recruitment and coordination of the student volunteers. During the event week, you will be the primary support person for the event’s volunteer teams.

What we expect from you:
* Skills to communicate clearly in pressured situations
* Excellent organisational and customer service skills
* Excellent English language skills 
* You must be a current enrolled student at the University of Oulu or the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk)
* The traineeship must form part of your studies. If you are selected for the position, you must confirm that you are able to include this traineeship in your studies

We also appreciate:
* Previous experience in successful event production and programme planning
* Experience or knowledge in event tech (microphones, screens, mixers etc.)
* Finnish language skills (not a requirement)
* Sufficient knowledge about the city of Oulu and the University of Oulu in order to introduce both to event visitors

How to apply?

Interested? Please submit your application by 15 February 2025 (23:59 Finnish local time). The eligible applicants fitting best in the profile expected for the position will be invited to an on-site or remote interview. 

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, such as people of different ages, genders and lingual, cultural or minority groups.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the position,                                                                              please contact Katja Nieminen,

Työsuhdemuoto Määräaikainen työsopimus
Työsuhteen luonne Kokoaikainen
Työsuhteen toivottu aloitusajankohta 1.10.2025
Palkka 1646,31€
Paikkojen lukumäärä 1
Työllisyysaste 100%
Paikkakunta Oulu
Maakunta Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Maa Suomi
Ilmoitusnumero 2025/48
Julkaistu 16.01.2025
Haku päättyy 15.02.2025

Takaisin avoimiin työpaikkoihin