Palvelu- ja erillisyksiköt, Koulutuspalvelut

Oulun yliopisto on monitieteinen, kansainvälisesti toimiva tiedeyliopisto, jonka noin 3600 työntekijää tuottavat korkeatasoiseen tutkimukseen pohjautuvaa uutta tietoa ja antavat tutkimukseen perustuvaa opetusta kestävämmän, älykkäämmän ja inhimillisemmän maailman rakentamiseksi. Oulun yliopistoyhteisössä toimii kaikkiaan noin 17000 henkilöä. Pohjoisen tiedeyhteisömme toiminta on globaalisti vaikuttavaa ja luo edellytyksiä innovaatioiden syntymiselle.

We are now looking for

Solution Designer

to join us in Academic Affairs (International Mobility Services team) for a permanent position. Academic Affairs offer education services for both University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences. The tasks of the solution designer focus on the services and coordination of the international educational projects.

About the job

In this job you:

  • specialize in program funding for international education projects (for example Erasmus+ and TFK)
  • give administrative support to the projects, especially in the application phase and the start-up phase of the projects (including mapping of new funding opportunities)
  • work in close cooperation with the faculties and e.g. legal, financial and other services 

Your tasks also include:

  • taking care of internal communication and reporting regarding educational projects
  • developing the support function further 
  • networking with local and global partners and higher education institutions
  • other tasks related to international mobility

What we offer?

  • The support of an experienced and enthusiastic International Mobility Services team where you can share your expertise and grow as an expert.
  • Wellness benefit ePassi covering sport, culture and well-being and flexible multi-location and remote work opportunities. Read more about other staff benefits.
  • Work-life balance: we don't count Saturdays as holiday periods!
  • Development and career options of the big organisation.
  • Work that matters! Read more about working with us.
  • Finland is one of the most livable countries in the world, with a high quality of life, safety, excellent education system, and competitive economy. Read more about living in Oulu

Who are you?

In order to succeed and enjoy the position, we expect from you:

  • Master's degree
  • Experience of international projects
  • Fluent written and spoken English
  • Professional communication skills 

We also strongly appreciate:

  • Fluent written and spoken Finnish
  • International experience
  • Good overall understanding of higher education
  • Brisk service attitude and independence
  • Flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing situations

Your work has an impact on the daily lives of researchers, teachers and expert and support staff at the University of Oulu, as well as students. The final job description will be shaped according to your skills and interests.


The position is permanent starting from 1.3.2024 (or as agreed).

The salary will be based on the level 9 of the demand level chart for other expert and support staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component). Starting gross salary will be approx. 3500-3700 EUR per month (before taxes). A trial period of 6 months is applied in the position. 

How to apply?

Interested? If yes, please apply by 18.1.2024 through our recruitment system. Please attach an cover letter and CV.

The eligible applicants fitting best in the profile expected for the position will be invited to an on-site or remote interview. All applicants will be notified during the selection process.

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, such as people of different ages, genders and lingual, cultural or minority groups.

Contact Information

If you have any further questions, please contact Development Manager Marianne Isola (, +358504087990)

Työsuhdemuoto Toistaiseksi
Työsuhteen luonne Kokoaikainen
Työsuhteen toivottu aloitusajankohta 1.3.2024
Palkka TES
Paikkojen lukumäärä 1
Työllisyysaste 100%
Paikkakunta Oulu
Maakunta Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Maa Suomi
Ilmoitusnumero 2023/628
  • Katri Marianne Isola, +358504087990
Julkaistu 21.12.2023
Haku päättyy 18.01.2024

Takaisin avoimiin työpaikkoihin