Tämä tehtävä ei ole enää avoinna!
Oulun yliopisto on monitieteinen, kansainvälisesti toimiva tiedeyliopisto, jonka noin 3600 työntekijää tuottavat korkeatasoiseen tutkimukseen pohjautuvaa uutta tietoa ja antavat tutkimukseen perustuvaa opetusta kestävämmän, älykkäämmän ja inhimillisemmän maailman rakentamiseksi. Oulun yliopistoyhteisössä toimii kaikkiaan noin 17 000 henkilöä. Pohjoisen tiedeyhteisömme toiminta on globaalisti vaikuttavaa ja luo edellytyksiä innovaatioiden syntymiselle.
We are now looking for a
to join us in Clinical Medicine Research Unit at the Faculty of Medicine in the lifecourse medicine research group. The group studies the effects of early life exposures, in particular preterm or small for gestational age birth, on lifelong health and well-being, using data from Nordic healthcare registers and clinical birth cohort studies in high and low resource settings.
The EU-funded IMPROVE Preterm consortium project aims to compare the outcomes of different prenatal or neonatal treatments to improve the outcomes of preterm birth. The focus of the project is to use and develop quasi-experimental methods to allow for comparisons that are not feasible in randomized trials. This will include design of quasi-experimental settings, including documentation of historical variations in treatment guidelines or practices between regions or countries, and data analysis utilizing these designs as predictors of child and adult health and societal outcomes. The work will be done in Nordic social and healthcare register data in collaboration with Nordic partners and in clinical birth cohort data in collaboration from partners from across Europe and elsewhere.
As a postdoctoral researcher in the IMPROVE Preterm project, you will
In addition to standard research skills at a late doctoral or postdoctoral level, the job requires familiarity and understanding of healthcare routines, practices and everyday decision-making in Finland and other Nordic countries. In order to succeed and enjoy the position, we expect from you:
We also appreciate familiarity in lifecourse epidemiology and the research area.
The position is fixed-term from 1st of February 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, until 31st of December 2028.
The salary will be based on the levels OV04-OV05 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities, depending on experience. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component). The starting gross salary will be approx. 3100-3600 € per month (before taxes). A trial period of 6 months is applied for the position.
Interested? If yes, please apply by 3.1.2024 (23:59 Finnish local time) through our recruitment system.
The application should be written in English and include the following:
The eligible applicants fitting best in the profile expected for the position will be invited to an on-site or remote interview. All applicants will be notified during the selection process.
We welcome applicants from different backgrounds, such as people of different ages, different genders and members of different language, cultural or minority groups.
If you have any further questions, please contact Professor Eero Kajantie, +358 50 473 9438, eero.kajantie@oulu.fi or Academy Research Fellow Johanna Metsälä, +358 40 507 8868
Työsuhdemuoto | Määräaikainen työsopimus |
Työsuhteen luonne | Kokoaikainen |
Paikkojen lukumäärä | 1 |
Työllisyysaste | 100% |
Paikkakunta | Oulu |
Maakunta | Pohjois-Pohjanmaa |
Maa | Suomi |
Ilmoitusnumero | 2024/675 |
Yhteys |
Julkaistu | 17.12.2024 |
Haku päättyy | 03.01.2025 |